The Ultimate Guide to A Levels

by Mashal Rizvi

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If you're nearing the end of your secondary education, you've likely heard a lot about A Levels. But what exactly are they, and why are they so important? This ultimate guide will break down everything you need to know about A Levels, from their structure to choosing the right subjects and finding the best resources.


If you're nearing the end of your secondary education, you've likely heard a lot about A Levels. But what exactly are they, and why are they so important? This ultimate guide will break down everything you need to know about A Levels, from their structure to choosing the right subjects and finding the best resources.


What is an A Level?

A Levels, short for Advanced Levels, are subject-based qualifications students in the UK and some other countries take at the end of their secondary education. They typically take over two years and are highly regarded by universities and employers. An ‘Advanced Level’ or A Level is a qualification available across a range of subjects to school-leavers, graded A*-E.


A Level Full Form and Meaning

The full form of A Level is Advanced Level. The A Level meaning is straightforward: it represents an advanced level of study in a specific subject. They are more in-depth and specialized compared to GCSEs, preparing students for university education or professional careers.

Related: Difference Between O Level and A Level


Structure of A Levels

A Levels are studied in two ways:

  1. Two-Year Program: The AS year (Year 12) and the A2 year (Year 13). Grades are determined by final exams at the end of Year 13.

  2. Composite Program: All A Level exams are taken at the end of Year 13.

Can I Take an AS Level?

Schools and colleges are not legally obliged to offer AS Levels. When choosing your A Levels, check the options available at your chosen institution.


What Do You Need to Study A Levels?

Typically, schools and colleges require at least five GCSEs graded 9-4 or equivalent. English, maths, and sometimes science are crucial subjects for these grades.


Each A Level syllabus provides in-depth knowledge of the subject, with a mix of theoretical and practical components. The syllabus can vary slightly depending on the examination board but generally includes various A Level papers that assess your understanding and skills.


Understanding A Level Syllabus and Papers

Each A Level syllabus provides in-depth knowledge of the subject, with a mix of theoretical and practical components. The syllabus can vary slightly depending on the examination board, but it generally includes various A Level papers that assess your understanding and skills.

How Do A Levels Work?

Your AS Year (Year 12)

  • Choose three or four subjects. Competitive universities or courses may require more subjects.

  • Take AS exams at the end of the first year. These grades influence A2 results.

Your A2 Year (Year 13)

  • Continue with remaining subjects to achieve the full A Level.

  • Final exams at the end of Year 13 determine your A Level grades, testing you on content from both years.

What is an AS Level?

An AS Level refers to the first year of a full A Level. You can study a subject for one year to achieve an AS Level qualification, independent from the subjects you continue to full A Level.

Choosing A Level Subjects

Selecting the right A Level subjects is crucial as it influences your future education and career paths. Common combinations include:

  • Science/Engineering: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

  • Humanities: English, History, Sociology

There are around 80 different subjects available to study at A Level, depending on what your school or college offers.

A Level Exams and Grades

A Level exams, taken at the end of the two-year course, determine your grades, ranging from A* (highest) to E (lowest). These grades represent your level of achievement in the subject.

Related: Top 10 A Level Schools in Pakistan 2024


What Does A Level Equal To?

In many educational systems, A Levels are equivalent to high school diplomas or pre-university qualifications. Understanding what A Levels equal in other systems can help you compare your qualifications internationally.

Online Resources for A Levels

Numerous online resources can help you prepare for A Levels. Websites offering past papers, study guides, and forums provide additional support and practice opportunities. Utilizing these resources can greatly enhance your understanding and performance in exams.

Why A Levels Matter?

A Levels are more than just exams; they are a stepping stone to higher education and career opportunities. Achieving good A Level grades can open doors to prestigious universities and scholarship opportunities. They also demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skills, valuable to future employers.



Understanding A Levels is essential for anyone planning their academic and professional future. From choosing the right subjects and understanding the syllabus to preparing for exams, this guide covers all the basics. Preparing thoroughly for your A Levels can significantly impact your educational and career trajectory.

Out-Class has launched premium tutoring for A Levels in the UAE/MENA region. With our expert tutors and personalized learning plans, you can achieve academic success and unlock your full potential. Visit Out-Class today to find out more about our premium tutoring services and take the next step towards a brighter future.



Q. What makes a good tutor for A Levels?

A good A Level tutor should have strong subject knowledge, excellent communication skills, patience, and the ability to adapt to different learning styles.


Q. How can online tutoring help with A Levels?

Online tutoring provides flexible, personalized support, access to a wide range of resources, and the convenience of learning from home.


Q. What are the benefits of choosing Out-Class for A Level tutoring?

Out-Class offers experienced tutors, personalized learning plans, and a focus on achieving academic success, making it an excellent choice for A Level tutoring.


Q. How do I choose the right A Level subjects?

Consider your interests, strengths, and future career or university aspirations when selecting A Level subjects.


Q. Are there online resources available for A Level preparation?

Yes, numerous websites offer past papers, study guides, and forums to help you prepare for your A Levels effectively.


If you want to dive right in, let's start with selecting the course you want

What Course Are You Interested In?
