English Language: Art of Comprehension

by Mashal Rizvi

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Hello O Level and IGCSE English students! let's dive into ENGLISH COMPREHENSION.

Specifically, we will discuss how you can feel more confident about your answers in English comprehension O Level and IGCSE exams. It's all about understanding those tricky passages and responding to questions in a way which showcases your understanding.



Understanding IGCSE & O Level English Comprehension Passages

The very first step is to get comfortable with the passages type you'll encounter in your IGCSE and O Level exam. In the IGCSE and O Level English syllabus, comprehension passages are designed to test your reading and understanding strengths

They can range from narratives to expository texts, each with unique style and content. You have to familiarize yourself with various types of passages, which you can often find in resources such as O Level and IGCSE English Comprehension passages with answers PDFs and notes. 

IGCSE and O Level English past papers are also a great resource as they not only give you practice material but also provide answers for you to check your understanding.


How to Answer Reading Comprehension Questions Effectively

Now, let's talk about how to tackle those questions effectively:


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Reading Thoroughly: 

Before jumping into the questions, read the passage very carefully. Understand the main idea, the tone, vocabulary and how to read between the lines. 


While reading, it's very useful to underline or highlight important information. This makes it easier to refer back to the passage when you are answering questions.


Re-reading the questions: 

Make sure you understand what the IGCSE and O Level English comprehension question is asking. Is it about the main idea, a specific detail, the author's tone, vocabulary or just something else? This skill is called reading between the lines.


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Refer Back to the Passage: 

As demonstrated in IGCSE and O Level English past papers, for most questions, the answers will be in the passage right there. Go back and find the relevant section to support your answer, and again if you’ve highlighted them you’ll only make your job easier.


Writing in Your Own Words: 

Try to paraphrase the key information from the text in your own words. This shows that you understand the passage, not just that you can find and write the answer.



Remember, practice is essential. The more you work with IGCSE and O Level English comprehension passages, the more confident you will become in interpreting them and answering your questions accurately. Utilize resources like IGCSE and O Level English Language past papers for practice and revision. Most importantly, stay patient, stay curious, and keep practicing. You've got this!


For Comprehension, don't forget to deep dive into the Out-Class English course videos!

O Level English Language course that covers all the new english syllabus 1123.



Q. What is the purpose of IGCSE & O Level English comprehension passages?

IGCSE and O Level English comprehension passages are designed to test students' reading, vocabulary and understanding skills. They assess the ability to comprehend various types of texts, including narratives and expository passages.


Q. How can I prepare for IGCSE & O Level English comprehension exams?

Prepare for IGCSE and O Level English comprehension exams by practicing reading and understanding different types of passages. Utilize online resources such as Out-Class for O Level and IGCSE English comprehension passages with answers, English past papers, and revision notes.


Q. What should I focus on while reading comprehension passages?

While reading comprehension passages, focus on understanding the main idea, tone, vocabulary and key details. Highlight important information to make it easier to refer back to the passage when answering questions.


Q. Can I find IGCSE and O Level English resources online?

Yes, you can find IGCSE & O Level English resources such as past papers online for practice. Many educational websites and platforms offer resources, such as Out-Class.

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