O Level English Language Updated - Everything You Need to Know

by Linta Rasheed

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Greetings, diligent O Level English Language (1123) students! Whether you're in Pakistan or beyond, you're undoubtedly aware of the significance of staying well-informed about the latest syllabus changes, particularly the one that takes effect from 2024 to 2026.

This comprehensive guide will delve into every nook and cranny of the English Language O Levels 1123 new syllabus, equipping you with the knowledge and insights needed to conquer this academic frontier


The new and updated syllabus of O Level English Language 1123 is here fro you to crack at Out-Class

Vision & Structure of the English Language O Levels 1123 new syllabus

Vision Behind the Change: 

This change brings a dynamic approach to language learning and assessment in the O Level English paper. This syllabus aims to provide a more engaging and contemporary learning experience, highlighted by additional command words and revitalized academic objectives.


Assessment Structure for O Levels English Syllabus 2024:

The O Levels English updated syllabus sticks to its two-paper format - Paper 1 and Paper 2. However, with the new O Level English updated syllabus in play, some changes in mark distribution and question types align perfectly.


Out-Class has subject expert O Level teachers who will help you know everything of the english language new syllabus updated 1123.


English Language O Levels Paper Pattern

O Levels English Paper 1 (Reading): The 80/20 Challenge 

In O Levels English Paper 1, we dive into a two-hour journey dedicated to the art of Reading. This paper is divided into two sections, with a major focus on Reading (80%) and a sprinkle of Writing (20%)


Section A: Comprehension  and Use of Language (25 Marks):

In this section, you'll encounter a 900-word narrative text, Text A, plucked from 21st-century literature to give an updated touch to O Levels English Paper 1. 


Question 1: Comprehension (16 Marks) 

In these Cambridge O Level English Paper 1 comprehension questions, you'll tackle short-answer questions that test your grasp of the text's explicit and implicit meanings. 


Question 2: Use of Language (9 Marks) 

You'll analyze the author's language choices (reading between the lines) and their impact on the text's overall effect. You'll uncover the writer's craft of influencing readers through short-answer questions.

Section B: Summary and Short Response (25 marks) 

For this section's questions, you’ll refer to the shorter Text B, hovering around 600 words.


Question 3a: Summary (20 marks) 

In the English Language O Levels 1123 new syllabus, you must write a 150-word summary demonstrating your ability to filter information, organize ideas, use context-appropriate vocabulary, and understand explicit meanings - honing in on reading and writing assessment objectives. 


Question 3b: Short Response (5 marks) 

Through short responses, you, as an O Level student, will display your understanding of implicit meanings and attitudes. 


CTA Slide 3


O Levels English Paper 2 (Writing): The Art of Expression 

In O Levels English Paper 2, you'll spend two hours showcasing your writing prowess. This paper strongly emphasizes your writing skills, with an impressive 80% weightage given to the Writing component. In comparison, Reading takes up the remaining 20%


Section A: Directed Writing (25 Marks) 

This section presents you with one to two 400-word texts to evaluate. Your task? Craft an argumentative speech, email, report, letter, or article within a word limit of 250-300 words. It's a creative buffet of options! A heads-up: master the speech writing format O Level and report writing format English O Level while reviewing O Level English past papers


15 Marks for Writing Assessment Objectives 

You'll earn 15 marks here by nailing the speech or report writing format English O Level, demonstrating articulation skills, showcasing vocabulary breadth, maintaining an appropriate register, and ensuring grammatical accuracy.


10 Marks for Reading Assessment Objectives 

The remaining 10 marks test your analytical abilities. Can you extract key ideas (such as understanding the theme), find textual support, and target useful information? This is where your critical thinking skills shine.


Section B: Composition (25 Marks) 

In this section, you'll choose one question from two descriptive and two narrative prompts. Whether you're a vivid scene painter or a storyteller, there's a canvas for your imagination. However, remember that brevity is the soul of wit, so keep your composition within the 350-450 word range. 

The English Language O Levels 1123 new syllabus sets clear expectations for your writing prowess. It would help if you showcased vivid expression, masterful structuring, a rich vocabulary, and grammatical expertise. A heads-up: master composition writing by practicing on O Level English past papers


It shows the key changes of the O level english language syllabus and past paper.



In conclusion, tackling the O Levels English syllabus 2024 might appear intimidating initially. However, by engaging in English Language O Level past papers practice, refining your speech and report writing format for English O Level, and embracing the focus on literary analysis, you're off to a promising start on your academic journey. 

And remember, there's no need to feel overwhelmed. Out-Class offers a comprehensive solution to help you excel in the O Levels English new syllabus. With a meticulously crafted and compact course led by a leading tutor, you'll find yourself on a guided path to academic success. 

So, embrace the challenge, and let your academic journey begin!

For more detailed changes, click here: https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/news/whats-new/cambridge-o-level/english/


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