How To Prepare for the 2024 MDCAT

by Shanzeh Asim

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"Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability." — Sir William Osler

As Sir William guarantees, medicine is an exciting and life-changing career. We are proud to see your enthusiasm for it. In order to begin this journey in Pakistan, you have to do well in the MDCAT exam. Knowing how to prepare for MDCAT can make a significant difference. Our article below provides a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for MDCAT 2024 in Pakistan.


Step # 1: Basics of How to Prepare for MDCAT

What is MDCAT?

The Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) is a medical entrance exam for the majority of public and private medical colleges. But what is MDCAT in Pakistan? It’s a gateway to their doctor dreams that every other Pakistani student aspires to achieve. Moreover, the MDCAT total marks have a significant weightage in the admission process (often 50%).


Is the MDCAT difficult?

Many students report that the MDCAT exam is challenging but you can ace it given the right preparation, strategies and resources. The key is knowing how to prepare for MDCAT effectively. More details on this will be given below!


How many times can you give the MDCAT in Pakistan?

There is no limit on this. However, keep in mind that the MDCAT exam is only offered once a year. Aim for your best performance the first time around!


CTA Slide 4


Step # 2: Understand the MDCAT Exam

What is the MDCAT Test Pattern?

The total marks of MDCAT is 200. The MDCAT marks distribution is done as follows:

  • Biology: 68

  • Chemistry: 56

  • Physics: 56

  • English: 20

  • Logical Reasoning: 10


How many MCQs in the MDCAT?

There are a total of 200 MCQs in the MDCAT paper pattern and you have 210 minutes (3.5 hours) to solve them.


What is the passing percentage of MDCAT 2023?

65% is the minimum passing percentage for the 2023 MDCAT in Pakistan. You cannot apply to medical colleges with a lower score. The minimum passing percentage for dentistry colleges is 50%.


How many students appeared in MDCAT 2023?

MDCAT is one of the most sought-after exams in Pakistan as more than 180,000 students appeared in the exam in 2023. 


How many hours do I need to prepare for MDCAT?

There is no fixed estimate and it depends on your prior experience with the material. If you’re coming from an O/A Level background, expect more time covering FSc content. 

However, as a general estimate, consider doing 2-3 hours of work daily over 2 months to get a good score!


Step # 3: Start your MDCAT Test Preparation

'How to prepare for MDCAT in Pakistan?' is a frequently asked question by students. Therefore, we have listed our top techniques below to help you maximize your performance:

Resources and Tools

  • Start with your board’s textbooks: These are the most comprehensive MDCAT test preparation material. Focus on your ability to recall the content you learn.

  • Purchase MDCAT past papers with answers: These will help you test yourself against the clock. They will also aid you in understanding the nature of questions that are often asked in the actual exam.

  • Use online entry test preparation for MDCAT platforms: There are a host of apps and websites that provide revision methods for MDCAT. Some have question banks that you won’t see in printed past papers. Others will provide more interactive ways of learning like quizzes. Out-Class has both, so do check it out here to get a competitive advantage. These services can also help track your progress.


Tricks and Hints for MDCAT

  • Make flashcards: MDCAT focuses on recall ability and flashcards are proven to strengthen your memorization.

  • Stay regular: Solve MCQs from the MDCAT test pattern daily. This will increase your confidence.

  • Split time evenly between subjects: A common mistake MDCAT students make is to focus on only one subject first and then move on to the next. The problem with this approach is that you begin to forget earlier content. Hence, we advise that you do a bit of everything on most days. 

  • Take breaks: Don’t risk burning yourself out. The pressure of the exam can wear you out. Hence, start your entry test preparation for MDCAT early and take regular time off. This will help you stay more motivated throughout your MDCAT preparation.


In conclusion, understanding how to prepare for MDCAT 2024 in Pakistan is crucial for your success. The exam is an important stepping stone for your future career as a doctor. However, don’t let it become frightening for you. Instead, create a consistent effort and use all the resources available in this day and age.

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