Cracking the IGCSE Grading System

by Linta Rasheed

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Perplexed by how the grading system of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) works? Fear not! We are here to solve this confusion for you. Let's delve into the intricacies of IGCSE grades, demystify the system, and explore its significance in the realm of education.


Perplexed by how the grading system of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) works. Out-Class is here to solve it.


What is IGCSE Exam?

IGCSE stands for International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a globally recognized qualification taken by students, usually at the age of 14 to 16, marking the end of their secondary education.


Is GCSE Harder Than IGCSE?

One common query among students is whether GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) is more challenging than IGCSE. While both qualifications are rigorous, the structure and content may vary. IGCSE is renowned for its international outlook, emphasizing critical thinking and practical skills alongside academic knowledge.

Related: Differences Between IGCSE and O Level


How Many IGCSE Subjects are Required in UAE?

In the UAE, the number of IGCSE subjects required may vary depending on individual school curriculums. However, students typically undertake a range of subjects spanning core disciplines like Mathematics, English, and Sciences, along with optional subjects tailored to their interests and career aspirations.


Why Study IGCSE?

Studying IGCSE offers a myriad of benefits. It provides a solid foundation for further education, equips students with essential skills for the future, and enhances their global outlook. Moreover, IGCSE is recognized by universities worldwide, opening doors to diverse academic and career opportunities.


In the UAE, the number of IGCSE subjects required may vary depending on individual school curriculums.


Which IGCSE Subjects are Easiest?

Determining the "easiest" IGCSE subjects is subjective and varies from student to student. While some may find Sciences or Mathematics more challenging, others may excel in Humanities or Languages. The key lies in selecting subjects aligned with individual strengths and interests. However, taking into account higher passing rates and lower grade thresholds, the following IGCSE subjects may be your best bet for an "easy" grade:

  1. Business Studies

  2. Art & Design

  3. Environmental Management

  4. Geography

  5. Physical Education

Related: 7 Easiest Cambridge O Level Subjects in 2024


IGCSE Grading System Decoded

IGCSEs are traditionally graded A*-G worldwide. However, recognizing the evolving educational landscape, Cambridge International offers 9-1 graded IGCSEs in select regions alongside the traditional grading system. The 9-1 grading scale provides a more nuanced assessment, with 9 as the highest grade and 1 as the lowest. Schools in these regions can opt for A*-G or 9-1 grading.


IGCSEs are traditionally graded A*-G worldwide. However, recognizing the evolving educational landscape, Cambridge International offers 9-1 graded IGCSEs in select regions alongside the traditional grading system.


The grading scale comprises A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and U (ungraded). Three anchor points benchmark standards between the two grading systems: a 9-7 correlates to an A*-A, a 6-4 correlates to a B-C, and a 3-1 correlates to a D-G. 

Related: O Level Grading System & Threshold


What is considered a good IGCSE result?

The grades from A* to D are considered good results as E to U are not considered passing grades.

Grade Percentage
A* 90%+
A 80-89%
B 70-79%
C 60-69%
D 50-59%
E 40-49%
F 30-39%
G 20-29%
U 0-19%


IGCSE Courses Online: Accessible Education at Your Fingertips

With the advent of digital learning platforms, IGCSE courses are now accessible online. These platforms offer flexibility, allowing students to study at their own pace and access resources from anywhere globally, fostering a dynamic learning experience tailored to individual needs. 

Pakistan's Ed-Tech beacon, Out-Class, offers many IGCSE courses curated by subject experts at your digital fingertips. From Crash Courses to Exam Walkthroughs, Out-Class lets students take charge of their learning experience. With a track record of 94% of enrolled students achieving As and A*s, Out-Class is the only IGCSE aid you need. 



In conclusion, understanding the IGCSE grading system is crucial for students' academic journey. So, embrace the challenge, aim for those coveted IGCSE grades, and embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery! Not sure about where to start your IGCSE exam prep from? Join the Out-Class Family by enrolling into the IGCSE crash courses!



Q. What is the full form of IGCSE?

IGCSE stands for International General Certificate of Secondary Education.

Related: Guide to Cambridge IGCSE vs. Edexcel International GCSE


Q. Why is IGCSE important?

IGCSE is crucial as a globally recognized qualification that marks the end of secondary education. It provides a solid foundation for further studies and enhances students' global outlook.


Q. Is IGCSE harder than GCSE, and what are the differences?

Both IGCSE and GCSE are rigorous qualifications, but IGCSE is known for its international outlook, emphasizing critical thinking and practical skills alongside academic knowledge.


Q. How many IGCSE subjects are typically required in the UAE?

The number of IGCSE subjects required can vary based on individual school curriculums. However, students usually undertake a range of subjects covering core disciplines and optional subjects aligned with their interests and career goals.


Q. What are some of the easiest IGCSE subjects based on passing rates and grade thresholds?

While subject difficulty is subjective, some IGCSE subjects with higher passing rates and lower grade thresholds include Business Studies, Art & Design, Environmental Management, Geography, and Physical Education.


Q. Can you explain the IGCSE grading system and the recent changes to the grading scale? 

IGCSEs are traditionally graded A*-G, but Cambridge International now offers a 9-1 grading scale in select regions alongside the traditional scale. The 9-1 scale provides a more nuanced assessment, with 9 being the highest grade and 1 the lowest, offering schools flexibility in grading choices.

Related: O Level Grading System & Threshold


Q. What is considered a good IGCSE result?

The grades from A* to D are considered good results as E to U are not considered passing grades.

  • A* (90%+)
  • A (80-89%)
  • B (70-79%)
  • C (60-69%)
  • D (50-59%)
  • E (40-49%)
  • F (30-39%)
  • G (20-29%)
  • U (0-19%)

Q. How can students access IGCSE courses online, and what are the benefits? 

Digital learning platforms like Out-Class offer accessible IGCSE courses online. These platforms provide flexibility, allowing students to study at their own pace and access resources globally, enhancing the learning experience.


Q. Why choose Out-Class for IGCSE courses? 

Out-Class offers curated IGCSE courses by subject experts, including Crash Courses and Exam Walkthroughs. With a track record of 94% of enrolled students achieving As and A*s, Out-Class provides effective and comprehensive IGCSE preparation. 

If you want to dive right in, let's start with selecting the course you want

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