Learning Arabic 1 till 10

by Taha Cheema

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Did you just start learning Arabic or show interest in learning it? Well, we salute you for going for such a unique language. Mastering basic counting in Arabic from 1 to 10 isn't just about learning numbers; it's about unlocking a vital skill, a new language, that enhances communication. Here’s a simple guide to help you start learning Arabic numbers efficiently.


Did you just start learning Arabic or show interest in learning it? Well, we salute you for going for such a unique language. Mastering basic counting in Arabic from 1 to 10 isn't just about learning numbers; it's about unlocking a vital skill, a new language, that enhances communication. Here’s a simple guide to help you start learning Arabic numbers efficiently.


Step-by-Step Approach: Learning Arabic 101

Start with Pronunciation. Arabic numbers have unique sounds, and correct pronunciation is crucial. Start by listening to native speakers or use language learning apps like Duolingo which focus on phonetics.

Choose Effective Learning Tools

Learn Arabic Online

  • Interactive Apps: Utilize apps like Duolingo - specifically designed for learning Arabic. These apps often use games and quizzes to teach numbers effectively.

  • Websites: You can find many free resources for learning Arabic online

  • Online Videos: Educational videos can be helpful for auditory learners, providing clear examples of pronouncing each number.

How to Learn Arabic Fast: Practical Tips

  • Daily Practice: Incorporate Arabic numbers into your daily routine. Practice by counting objects, time, or even steps to embed these numbers in your memory.

  • Flashcards: Create or download flashcards. This visual tool is great for quick revision and can help solidify your knowledge.

Arabic Counting:

1 - One - (Pronunciation: Wa•hed ) ١ - واحد

2 - Two - (Pronunication: Eth•nein ) ٢ - اثنين

3 - Three - (Pronunication: Tha•la•tha )  ٣ - ثلاثة

4 - Four - (Pronunication: Ar•ba•’aa )  ٤ - أربعة

5 - Five - (Pronunication: Kham•sa ) ٥ - خمسة

6 - Six - (Pronunication: Set•ta ) ٦ - ستة

7 - Seven - (Pronunication: Sab•’aa ) ٧ - سبعة

8 - Eight - (Pronunication: Thama•neya ) ٨ - ثمانية

9 - Nine - (Pronunication: Tes•’aa ) ٩ - تسعة

10 - Ten - (Pronunication: Aash•ra ) ١٠ - عشرة


Is it easy to learn Arabic numbers?  While Arabic is a complex language to learn for non-native speakers, learning Arabic numbers can be much easier than mastering the full language. At the same time, even the limited knowledge can make your life easier in markets!


Understanding the Challenges: How Hard is It to Learn Arabic

Arabic has a different script and sounds that might be new to learners, which can initially seem challenging but becomes manageable with practice.


How Long Does It Take to Learn Arabic?

The time it takes can vary based on your commitment and learning strategies. Regular immersive practice can lead to quicker mastery within a few days even, especially if you are dedicated.

Cultural and Academic Benefits in the UAE/MENA

  • Navigating Local Culture: Knowing Arabic numbers is essential for everyday interactions in the UAE and MENA regions—from shopping and bargaining to using public transport.

  • Educational Advantages: For students, understanding these basics can aid in mathematics and science courses, where teachers may use Arabic numerals infrequently!



In conclusion, while learning Arabic may seem daunting at first, starting with the numerals can be the right approach to becoming an integrated citizen in an Arabic-speaking country. Here is a summary:

It shows the arabic counting 1 till 10 so beginners.
Sourced by: Preply



How can I learn Arabic by myself?

Start with basic numbers using online resources, focus on understanding their pronunciation and usage through practice.


Is it easy to learn Arabic numbers?

While Arabic is a complex language to learn for non-native speakers, learning Arabic numbers can be much easier than mastering the full language. At the same time, even the limited knowledge can make your life easier in markets!


How fast can I learn Arabic numbers?

With regular practice and the right tools, you can learn the basic counting in Arabic within a week or two.


What is A1 Arabic level?

A1 level in Arabic covers basic understanding, including the ability to recognize and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases, like counting from 1 to 10.


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