Significance of MDCAT Diagnostic Tests

by Shanzeh Asim

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Every year, pre-medical students in Pakistan undergo a crucial phase of their academic journey after completing their FSc exams and A Levels which is the MDCAT admission test. For the year 2023, the MDCAT is scheduled to take place on the 27th of August 2023. This date has been officially announced by PMDC, marking an important milestone for aspiring medical and dental college students.

It's important to note that the MDCAT exam is a mandatory requirement for admission to medical and dental colleges in Pakistan. The test plays a significant role in the selection process, as it assesses students' knowledge, aptitude, and critical thinking abilities in subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, and Logical Reasoning.

The MDCAT serves as a standardized evaluation tool, ensuring that candidates meet the required criteria for admission to medical and dental institutions across the country. Achieving a good score in the MDCAT increases the chances of securing a seat in a reputable medical or dental college.

What’s an MDCAT Diagnostic Test? 

A proper diagnostic test that closely mimics the structure and length of the actual MDCAT exam will provide an accurate measure of your current knowledge. Without this baseline, you'll be guessing at what areas you need to review and improve upon. The MDCAT is different from other exams you've taken, both in length and content coverage. Therefore, relying on your performance in other exams won't give you an accurate understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. To truly gauge your baseline performance, a full-length MDCAT diagnostic test covering all sections is vital.


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Why Should I Take an MCAT Diagnostic Test? 

If you're wondering how to study for the MDCAT and where to start, you're not alone. Planning your study schedule for the MDCAT, the medical college admission test in Pakistan, is crucial to achieving a good score and securing admission to medical school. 

That's why we highly recommend starting with the Out-Class MDCAT diagnostic test before diving into your preparation. Taking the time to understand your baseline knowledge will make the entire process easier and significantly improve your chances of success on the MDCAT exam.

Taking an MDCAT diagnostic test is essential because most medical schools in Pakistan require the MDCAT for admission. Since it's a rigorous exam that spans an entire day, you need to plan your study schedule well in advance to perform well. Additionally, avoiding the need to retake the MDCAT is crucial, so optimizing your study plan is a must. You don't want to go through this process again a few months later!


Which MDCAT Diagnostic Test is the Best?

When choosing an MDCAT diagnostic test, it's crucial to opt for one that closely replicates the actual exam, including question ratios per subject. For comprehensive information about the difficulty and length of the MDCAT, a diagnostic test is your best bet. We recommend using one of the full-length practice exams provided by Out-Class as no other diagnostic test for MDCAT exists as of yet. Taking this practice exam in one sitting, with breaks, and in a test-like environment will ensure that your baseline score is accurate. It will also help you gauge your endurance during the gruelling test length and identify the knowledge gaps and test-taking strategies you need to address in your study schedule.

To enhance your MDCAT study experience, Out-Class offers video lectures where effective strategies and techniques are taught to MDCAT aspirants. 

Should I Save the Official MDCAT Practice Tests for Later?

You might wonder if it's best to save the official MDCAT practice tests until later in your preparation. The answer is no! To understand how to study for the MDCAT effectively, you need to engage with official MDCAT questions from the start. Saving all the official practice tests until the last month of your preparation is a mistake because you won't truly know what you're up against until then. Waiting until the last minute to practice with official questions may hamper your progress, leaving you with limited time to adjust your strategies. Incorporating Out-Class practice tests and the diagnostic test, known for being the most representative of the real MDCAT, throughout your study period will allow you to measure your progress accurately. In our recommended study schedule, we advise taking between 8-10 full-length MDCAT exams or test sessions regularly to track your progress and assess the effectiveness of your study tactics. 


What’s on an MDCAT Diagnostic Test? 

Candidates must know the passing marks for this year's MDCAT. The passing marks have been revised, and for admission to medical colleges, you must achieve a minimum of 65% (130 out of 200 marks). Similarly, for dental colleges, the passing marks have been set at 55% (110 out of 200 marks). Make sure you aim to meet these targets to enhance your chances of securing a seat in your desired college.

MDCAT Paper Pattern 2024: The MDCAT paper pattern is the same as it was the previous year. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the format to optimize your preparation. The test will be conducted in a paper-based format, and the answer keys will be uploaded on the official website of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Commission (PMDC) by the respective universities after the test. 

To know more about MDCAT and its test pattern, check out here!

  • Total Number of MCQs: 210
  • Duration of MDCAT: 3.5 hours
  • Format: Computer-Based MCQs
  • Minimum Passing marks for medical admission: 65%
  • Minimum Passing marks for dental admission: 55%
Preparation For preparation, visit
Difficulty Level
  • MCQs:
    Easy: 20%
    Moderate: 60%
    Hard: 20%

  • For help, WhatsApp us at 0307-6882527


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How to Design Your Study Schedule Using Your Diagnostic Test Score

Step 1: Begin Your Mistakes Log

Your diagnostic test results will guide your MDCAT preparations. Create a "mistakes log" to keep track of questions you missed and concepts you find challenging. Organize each practice test's log, including the diagnostic test, separately for easier comparison. Be detailed in your log, noting the section and specific category of each mistake. This log will help you prioritize your content review and focus on areas that need improvement.


Step 2: Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Analyze your mistakes log to identify patterns and knowledge gaps. Be honest with yourself and allocate sufficient time to study areas where you struggle. When an area has been identified, use Out-Class video lectures to understand and clarify your concepts. 

Step 3: Regularly Consult Your Diagnostic and Mistakes Log

Throughout your months of preparation, compare your results on subsequent practice exams to your initial diagnostic test. Monitor your progress and make adjustments to your study schedule accordingly. If your scores stagnate or plateau, focus on the sections that need more work and consider using additional practice materials like the pop quizzes and quiz bank section at Out-Class for targeted practice.

Step 4: Review Your Progress and Boost Your Confidence

As your exam date approaches, reflect on how much you've learned and improved since your diagnostic test. Compare your performance on specific sections to gauge your progress. Even if some areas still feel challenging, steady improvement in your scores should boost your confidence.


Take the First Step with an MDCAT Diagnostic Test!


Preparing for the MDCAT exam requires consistent practice and a thorough understanding of the subjects. Out-Class offers a valuable resource to help you practice and prepare effectively for the MDCAT 2024 exam. They provide a comprehensive solution by offering MDCAT past papers, online MCQ tests and quiz banks.

By accessing Out-Class, you can take advantage of their MDCAT online MCQ tests, which cover almost all subjects included in the MDCAT syllabus. These tests are designed to simulate the actual exam pattern, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the format and practice solving questions within the given time.

Repeatedly practicing these tests will help you develop a strong grasp of the MDCAT syllabus and enhance your speed and accuracy in answering questions. This will be particularly beneficial during the actual exam, as you will be more accustomed to the type of questions asked.

By utilizing Out-Class's resources, you can supplement your preparation and gain the confidence needed to excel in the MDCAT exam. Remember to practice consistently, review your answers, and focus on areas where you need improvement. Best of luck with your MDCAT preparation!

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