Deciding on O-Level Subjects: Which Subject Combination Works Best?

by Mahrukh Husain

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If you are currently in eighth grade or have started ninth grade, you are probably deciding which O Level subjects to choose. Granted this may seem intimidating, but it’s still a necessity. 

However, with accurate guidance and relevant information, you can be well on your way towards selecting subjects that are not only to your liking but which you believe will benefit you in the long run. 

In this article, we shall talk about the best subject combinations that are currently available and what you should consider before deciding which O-Level subjects to take. 


If you are currently in eighth grade or have started your ninth grade, you are probably deciding which O Level subjects to choose. Granted this may seem intimidating, it’s still a necessity.   However, with accurate guidance and relevant information, you can be well on your way towards selecting subjects that are not only to your liking but which you believe will benefit you in the long run.   In this article, we will talk about the best combination of subjects that are currently available and what you should consider before deciding which subjects to take for your O-Levels.


Things to Consider When Choosing O-Level Subjects

Since a student’s long-term career prospects hinge on the subjects he/she decides for their O-Levels, they must take the time and research to make the right decision. The following factors play a vital role in helping students consider the right subjects for them:

  • Personal interest: The subjects a student is personally interested in pursuing 

  • Capabilities: How capable the student is at the subject

  • Career Goals: What field or career a student wishes to pursue

  • Prospects in the Chosen Subject: What career prospects does the chosen subject offer the student


Total Subjects Students Need to Take for Their O-Levels

In Pakistan, O-Level examinations are taken as per the requirements of the Cambridge O-Level system. Cambridge O-Level is an internationally recognized qualification that is equal to Cambridge IGCSE and the UK GCSE. 

To prepare for their GCSE O-Level examination, students take a total of eight subjects out of which five are compulsory subjects and the remaining three are electives, which they can choose based on their interest and capabilities. 


Compulsory O-Level Subjects 

Compulsory O-Level subjects are the ones students are required to pass to gain admission into A-Levels. These include: 

  • Mathematics

  • English Language

  • Urdu Language*

  • Islamiat*

  • Pakistan Studies*

    *Note: These subjects are made compulsory by the government of Pakistan.

Elective O-Level Subjects

Elective O-Level subjects are the ones that students get to choose for their O-Level journey, then further in their A-Levels and ultimately in selecting the field they hope to pursue. 

Cambridge GCSE offers a variety of elective subjects to choose from. These are divided into five main subject groups:

  • Medical/Science Group

  • Engineering Group

  • Business Group

  • Computer Science Group

  • Art & Humanities Group


In Pakistan, O-Level examinations are taken as per the requirements of the Cambridge O-Level system. Cambridge O-Level is an internationally recognized qualification that is equal to Cambridge IGCSE and the UK GCSE.   To prepare for their GCSE O-Level examination, students take a total of eight subjects out of which five are compulsory subjects and the remaining three are electives, which they can choose based on their interest and capabilities.


Medical/Science Group

This group applies to students looking to pursue a career in the medical or science field. O Level students wishing to become doctors, nurses, surgeons, pharmacists, dentists or even astrophysicists, chemists or meteorologists can choose the following subjects:

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

Engineering Group

This group is for students who wish to pursue engineering as a career choice. O Level students who want to become electrical, mechanical, software or even chemical engineers should opt for the following subjects:

  • Computer Science

  • Physics

  • Chemistry


Business Group

The Business subject group is for students who want to make it big in the corporate world. Future CEOs, accountants, marketers, entrepreneurs or business managers should aim for the following subjects:

  • Business Studies 

  • Economics 

  • Accounting

These subjects prove helpful for O Level students who wish to apply to business university programs such as BBA, Bsc. Economics or CA.


Computer Science Group

O Level students with a knack for technology should opt for this subject group. Subjects within this group open doors to different tech-related professions such as software engineers, developers, IT specialists, User-Interface specialists and data scientists.

  • Computer Science

  • Economics

  • Business Studies


Art & Humanities Group

O Level students who dream of pursuing a career in social sciences, humanities or art should pursue the subjects in this group. Professions related to these subjects include archaeologist, sociologist, journalist, lawyer, etc. 

  • Sociology

  • Psychology

  • Media Studies

  • Critical Thinking

  • Art

  • Law


What are the Easiest O-Level Subjects?

How easy or hard an O-Level subject is, depends upon the student’s own willingness, interest and capability to perform what is required to learn that particular subject. For example, a student who already has a deep passion for learning how the human body works and the different skills needed to become a doctor or a nurse will be able to learn the various modules present in O Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics much more easily than a student who isn’t as interested. 

Despite that, here’s a list of the easiest O Level subjects for you!



Choosing O-Level subjects doesn’t have to be a scary process; with the right research, you can easily decide which subjects you wish to take and pursue further in your academic career. 

If you want to dive right in, let's start with selecting the course you want

What Course Are You Interested In?
