Pak Std. - Geography

by Samreen Kapasi
Introduction & Tips
This Course Includes
Introduction & TipsFree 1. The Location of PakistanFree 2. Physical Features of Pakistan - Northern Mountain RangeFree 3. Physical Features of Pakistan - Western Mountain RangeFree 4. Physical Features of Pakistan - Balochistan PlateauFree 5. Physical Features of Pakistan - Potwar Plateau & The Salt RangeFree 6. Physical Features of Pakistan - Upper Indus PlainsFree 7. Physical Features of Pakistan - Lower Indus PlainsFree 8. Physical Features of Pakistan - Desert AreasFree 9. The Climate of PakistanFree 10. Factors Affecting the Temperature of PakistanFree 11. Rainfall in PakistanFree 12. Western Depression, Cyclones & Floods in PakistanFree 13. Droughts in PakistanFree